Our Services

Provision of First Aid and Specialist Medical Personnel and Resources to the Event Sector. Be that from a small village fete, to large public gatherings/concerts. We have the appropriately trained staff to resource events regardless of size, especially working with industry partners that we work with under service level agreements.

We are pleased and proud to be able to offer Event Control Operatives. These staff have extensive knowledge and control room experience, and come with our own CAD system, for recording of all incidents, allocations etc... All our Control Staff have BroadNet Radios, which allows for Channel Sharing for ease of interoperability.

We work with a number of other organisations whereby we are able to provide staffing solutions of various clinical grades, operational grades and support staff roles. We do this by means of Service Level Agreement. Which include benefits of non-pouching staff, non-pouching of contracts etc..., which thereby means your service has that confidence from the first moment of provision, and that will continue throughout the partnership.

This service is exempt from registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), however, nevertheless, we aim to provide a service whereby this would meet the standards of a CQC provider. Our 4x4 staff are experienced in use of 4x4 vehicles and are trained to work on 4x4 vehicles.

Providing Medical and Covid Specialist Services to the TV & Film Community. We hold preferred supplier status with Photography Production provider. Proving regular service provisions.

We are able to provide training of First Aid related services. We have a working partnership with another service that is able to provide Ambulatory Training. Please get in touch for specific course details and further information.
Utilising this service means you can rest assured your event has suitable medical cover for anything that could happen. We will take into account previous medical emergencies that have occured at previous events and base this around your individual event medical management plan.